If you do not wish to submit your written comments through the electronic registration form, you can e-mail your comments to comments submitted will be considered public information and will form part of the public record. You may submit written comments by uploading them directly through the electronic registration form. Note: Complete and submit your electronic registration form prior to the start of the scheduled public meeting to ensure that your comments are heard during the meeting.

If you wish to delegate to a specific application listed on the agenda package, please register in advance by completing the electronic registration form. To obtain the Access Code navigate to the Council Calendar and select the meeting details for the particular meeting scheduled. To listen to the live meeting please dial 1-83 and enter the required Access Code followed by the # key. Members of the public may participate and learn more about proposed applications and can provide direct input. Meeting date: Septem| Meeting start time: 7 p.m. These meetings will be held electronically.

Your input and insight will inform and shape plans that meet the needs of our community.ĭue to continuing efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 and to protect individuals, Town Hall will not be open to the public to attend Public Meetings until further notice. The Rules actually distinguish between "Cups" and beverages: customers "may receive one specially marked Tim Hortons 10, 15, 20, or 24 oz hot drink take-out contest cup (each, a “Cup”) with the purchase of any corresponding small (10 oz), medium (15 oz), large (20 oz), or extra-large (24 oz) hot beverage (excluding espresso shots), while supplies last.A Public Meeting will be held to consider proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments. The exact language of the Roll Up The Rim 2019 Rules is this: "liability for irregular, illegible or blank RIM TABS is limited to replacement with another Cup, while supplies last." It does not mention that you'll get more coffee however, so that free refill may unfortunately be out of the question. If you find a blank cup you are entitled to a new cup for free at a Tim Hortons location. This year, this is written into the terms and conditions. Tim Hortons had offered a free refill in a new cup to all customers who found a blank cup. They said chances of winning were not affected, and that blank cups should have had "please try again" printed on them. Tim Hortons apologised for the mistake last year.